Zero Index - Open Creative Application

Create your application

Personal information *
Please enter your personal information.
Please upload your CV. Supported formats include pdf, docx, rtf, odt, html, txt, jpeg.
Drag your CV here or click the box to upload
Personal letter
Please upload your personal letter. Supported formats include pdf, docx, rtf, odt, html, txt, jpeg.
Drag your personal letter here or click the box to upload
Link to portfolio page(s) or previous work:
Please add previous and current educations.
What role(s) would you say you're applying for?
Technical skills
Please add and sort your technical competences. Make sure you add at least the competences you believe are necessary for this job.
Social competences
Please add and sort your social competences. Make sure you add at least the competences you believe are necessary for this job.
What is your ideal workplace? What does a perfect day look like to you?
Your message
Write a text of choice. It could be a short presentation of yourself, a fun quote or questions about the job.